Unsere Familie

Astrid, Stefan und Sebastian



As everybody knows, Astrid, Stefan and Sebastian came to the maritime Canada in the middle of September last year. Here we are, in the country of the infinite landscape, the unbelievable amounts of snow, salmons, bears and mooses. Amidst this impressive scenery Fredericton, the capitol of New Brunswick, is situated. The infinite landscape is put into perspective by the fact that this province only covers one percent of entire Canada. But by leaving the urban area you should be aware of the danger to touch the bear`s territory, since Fredericton is surrounded by woods, woods.. One should also be careful crossing the countryside by car, if you want to avoid a disagreeable approach with a moose of the seize of a japanese compact car. Be sure, Bruce the moose will be stronger! Since our vehicle, a 85 Chevy Celebrity will provoke sympathy even in the weakest moose, that has ever touched Canada`s ground, we are not afraid of an attack by one of his buddies. Another species, grandfather bear, favours different places, like camping grounds. Since the weather nowadays is not too inviting to go to these places, a meeting with this sort of animal will have to wait till summer. As we found out there are some more mentionable species living here. The one leading the front is Mr. Lobster, the most delicious of all. But now to another topic, snow in Canada: the first one was supposed to come in September, for sure in October and in November the hole landscape should be covered with the white mass. But this was not the behavior this year. It was really strange but be have had the mildest autumn since 30 years. End of this story, we were afraid to spend Christmas without snow, but we were lucky and a few centimetres arrived just in time. Compared to this, the 13th of January brought so much snow that you could not see windows of basement apartments any longer, and be sure, also at lot of other things. Most of all we were afraid of the cold temperatures during Canadian winter, minus 15 degrees Celsius average temperature during more than 2 months is not really funny. But it was not like this, winter was quite similar to autumn, the European weather forecast was some times worse than our Canadian one. So far we are able to say that we survived without any troubles and we have been outside nearly every day, even Sebastian. But we do not want to talk about the weather any longer. The healthy climate and the nutrient food over here were the source of Sebastian’s quick growth: more than 35 centimetres in length and he quadruplicated his birth weight. According to this a lot of his favourite words are related to food, such as kitchen, table, chocolate milk, pepper, egg, apple juice, bread and more. In addition he chose to start with the easy things like shower, dragon, bridge or church. His reaction on pictures of hamburger or french fries is a dedicative “Hmmmm!”. The healthy climate and the nutrient food over here were the source of Sebastian’s quick growth: more than 35 centimetres in length and he quadruplicated his birth weight. According to this a lot of his favourite words are related to food, such as kitchen, table, chocolate milk, pepper, egg, apple juice, bread and more. In addition he chose to start with the easy things like shower, dragon, bridge or church. His reaction on pictures of hamburger or french fries is a dedicative “Hmmmm!”. Sebastian also improves his knowlegde of foreign languages. So far his is able to snicker like a horse and miaow like a cat. We already wonder what will come next: maybe he will jump like a frog. End of the story.

Here are some pictures!

Hier seht ihr Sebastian mit seinem Zoo in unserer Wohnung!

Sebastian hat eine Menge Spielzeug um sich geschart!

Sebastian schlafend mit seinem Bobo-Baeren!

So ist unser Sohn am bravsten!

Sebastian mit Mama im Kinderzimmer!

Manchmal koennen wir ihn zum Zaehneputzen ueberreden!

Ein seiner Lieblingsbeschaeftigungen, von wem er das wohl hat!

So ist er uns am liebsten!

Sebastian bei seinem ersten Versuch ein Huehnerbein abzunagen!

Dies ist eine seiner Leibspeisen - Eis!

Vertraeumter Blick!

Fragt mich bitte nicht, was er hier gegessen hat!

Die Pferde gefallen unserem Junior besonders gut!

Hier kann man erkennen, dass doch eine Menge Schnee gefallen ist!

Wir geniesen die Spaziergaenge, wenn es nicht zu kalt ist!

An dem Pferdegatter!

Diesen Spielplatz mag er besonders!

Hier gehen wir an der Nordseite des Flusses spazieren!

Dies soll die laengste Fussgaengerbruecke Canadas sein!

Auch der Winter bringt seine Schoenheiten mit sich!

Hier seht Ihr Astrid bei der Raubtierfuetterung!

Eier haben es ihm angetan!

Ein interessante Perspektive!

Ein fragender Blick!

Hier kann er nach seiner Krankheit wieder lachen!

Wenn er aufwacht ist er meistens gut aufgelegt!

Fiebermessen hat ihm nicht immer Spass gemacht!

For further informations, please contact Stefan or Astrid
Last update: 07/03/2002